🥋 Waiver of Epic Ninja Training 🥋

Greetings, aspiring ninjas of all walks of life! We are thrilled to have you join us on the path of becoming certified ninja extraordinaires. Before you embark on this epic journey, please take a moment to humorously acknowledge a few important ninja-related matters:

  1. Stealth Mode Acknowledgement: I understand that by participating in Ninja Joe’s training, I may acquire the astonishing ability to move with the grace of a cat and the quietness of a sleeping panda. I solemnly promise to use these powers only for awesome ninja purposes, like surprising friends and mastering the art of refrigerator raiding without detection.
  2. Ninja Wardrobe Clause: I vow to embrace the awesomeness of the ninja attire provided, which may include black pajamas, headbands, and accessories that would make even a superhero jealous. I understand that wearing my ninja outfit in public places could lead to excessive high-fives from strangers.
  3. Evasion of Shuriken and Nunchucks: I acknowledge that while learning the way of the ninja, I might encounter the occasional flying shuriken or swinging nunchuck. I hereby release Ninja Joe’s from any responsibility for ninja mishaps and gladly accept that ninja mishaps become the stuff of legendary ninja tales.
  4. Ninja Mindfulness Oath: I pledge to be mindful of my newfound ninja skills and will not use them for mundane tasks, like evading chores, sneaking into movie theaters, or winning hide-and-seek in less than three seconds.
  5. Sensei Silliness Acceptance: I wholeheartedly embrace the possibility that our sensei may infuse humor into our training sessions, including spontaneous ninja dance-offs, exaggerated ninja poses, and the occasional ninja-themed knock-knock joke.
  6. Invisibility Clause: I acknowledge that mastering the art of invisibility may lead to occasional hilarity, such as accidentally startling friends, being accused of ghostly pranks, and having waiters forget my order at restaurants.

By signing this waiver, I confirm that I am ready to embrace the path of the ninja with all its comedic twists and turns. I solemnly swear to uphold the honor of the ninja clan, even if that means accidentally ninja-rolling into a hedge now and then.

Witnessed by:
Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________
Name (Printed): ________________________

Once you’ve embraced the humor of our ninja training, you’re ready to take on the challenges of Ninja Joe’s! Remember, life’s too short to be serious all the time – especially when you’re learning to be a ninja. 🥷🤣🥷